Take a step through time and see photos, publications, research and stories from the last 32 years of conservation in northern Ecuador.
Research Publications
Bostwick KS. 2000. Display behaviors, mechanical sounds, and evolutionary relationships of the club-winged manakin (Machearopterus deliciosus). The Auk. 117(2): 465-478.
Hernandez-Divers SM, Villegas P, Prieto F, Unda JC, Stedman N. et al. 2006. A survey of selected avian pathogens of backyard poultry in Northwestern Ecuador. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 20(3): 147-158.
Krabbe N and Schulenberg T. 1997. Species limits and natural history of Scytalopus tapaculos (Rhinocryptida) with descriptions of the Ecuadoriantaxa inhcluding three new species. Ornithological Monographs 48(48): 46-88.
Mann NI, Barker FK, Graves JA, Dingess-Mann KA, Slater PJB. 2006. Molecular data delineate four general of “Thryothorus” wrens. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40: 750-759.
Mordecai RS, Cooper RJ, Justicia R. 2009. A threshold response to habitat disturbance by forest birds in the Choco Andean Corridor, Northwest Ecuador. Biodiversity and Conservation 18(9): 2421-2431.
O’Dea N, Araújo, Whittaker RJ. 2006. How well do important bird areas represent species and minimize conservation conflict in the tropical Andes? Diversity and Distributions 12: 205-214.
O’Dea N, Watson JEM, Whittaker RJ. 2004. Rapid assessment in conservation research: a critique of avifauntal assessment techniques illustrated by Ecuadorian and Madagascan case study data. Diversity and Distributions 10(1): 55-63.
O’Dea, Whittaker RJ. 2006. How resilient are Andean montane forest bird communities to habitat degradation? Biodiversity and Conservation 16(4): 1131-1159.
O’Dea, Whittaker RJ, Ugland KI. 2006. Using spatial heterogeneity to extrapolate species richness: a new method tested on Ecuadorian cloud forest birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 43(1): 189-198.
Robbins MB and Stiles GF. 1999. A new species of pygmy-owl (Strigidae: Glaucidiusm) from the Pacific slope of the Northern Andes. The Auk 116(2): 305-315.
Rodriguez Of, Morrison P, and Smith H. 2003. Mapping of selected important bird areas near Quito, Ecuador. Pacific Bio.
Vogt C. 2006. Bird species Diversity in Rustic Cacao Plantations in Northwestern Ecuador. Eco Index.
Castellanos A, Altamirano M, Tapia G. 2005. Ecología y comportamiento de osos andinos reintroducidos en la reserva biológica Maquipucuna, Ecuador: implicaciones en la conservación. Politécnica 26(1).
Goldstein I, Paisley S, Wallace R, Jorgenson JP, Cuesta F, Castellanos A. 2006. Andean bear-livestock conflicts: a review. Ursus 17(1): 8-15.
Muchhala N, Mena P, Albuja LV. 2005. A new species of Anora (Chiroptera: Phbyllostomidae) from the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Mammalogy 86(3): 457-461.
Peyton B, Yerena E, Rumiz DI, Jorgenson J, Orejuela J. 1998. Status of wild Andean Bears and policies for their management. Ursus 10: 87-100.
Trujillo FG and Pozo WER. 2007. Mamíferos no voladores de áreas alteradas de la reserva ecológica Maquipucuna Ecuador. Boletín Técnico 3: 23-30.
Lanteri A. 2004. New taxanomic and biogeographic information on Galapagaus femoratus species group (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 130(2-3): 177-192.
Lattk JE, Fernandéz C, Palacio F, Edgard D. 2004. Una nueva especie de Gnamptogenys (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) y comentarios sobre las especies del género en Colombia y Ecuador. Série Zoologia
Raguso RA. 1993. Preliminary checklist and field observations of the butterflies of the Maquipucuna field station (Pichincha Province, Ecuador). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 32: 135-161.
Kyndt T, Droogenbroeck BV, Haegeman A, Roldán-Ruiz I, Gheysen G. 2006. Cross-species microsatellite amplification in Vasconcellea and related genera and their use in germplasm classification. Genome 49(7): 786-798
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Kyndt T, Droogenbroeck VB, Romeijn-Peeters E, Romero-Motochi JP, Scheldeman X, Goetghebeur P, Damme VP, Gheysen G. 2005. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of Caricaceae based on rDNA internal transcribed spacers and chloroplast sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37(2): 442-59.
Lehnert M. 2005. Reconsideration of Alsophila odonelliana (Cyathaeceae), an Andean Tree Fern. Brittonia 57(3): 228-236.
Myster, RW. 1997. Seed predation, disease and germination on landslides in neotropical lower montane wet forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 8(1): 55-64
Myster RW. 2007. Early successional pattern and process after sugarcane, banana, and pasture cultivation in Ecuador. New Zealand Journal of Botany 45(1): 101-110.
Myster RW, Sarmiento FO. 2003. Seed inputs to microsite patch recovery on two tropandean landslides in Ecuador. Restoration Ecology 6(1): 1-35
Myster RW. 2010. Testing dominance-diversity hypothesis using data from abandoned plantations and pasture in Puerto Rico and Ecuador. Journal of Tropical Ecology 26(2): 247-250.
Myster RW. 2012. A refined methodology for defining plant communities using postagricultural data from the neotropics. The Scientific World Journal 2012(265409):1-9.
Pacheco L and Moran RC. 1999. Monograph of the neotropical species of Callipteris with anastomosing veins (Woodsiaceae). Brittonia 51(4): 343-388.
Persson C. 2003. Agouticarpa, a new neotropical genus of tribe Gardenieae (Rubiaceae). Brittonia 55(2): 176-201.
Pipoly III JJ. 1996. New species of Ardisia (Myrsinaceae) from Ecuador and Peru. SIDA Contributions to Botany 17(2): 445-458.
Prance GT. 1995. A synopsis of Stephanopodium (Dichapetalaceae). Kew Bulletin 50(2): 295-305.
Sarmiento FO. 1996. Seed dispersal for landscape restoration in the tropandean region of Ecuador. University of Georgia.
Schnittler M, Stephenson SL. 2002. Inflorescences of neotropical herbs as a newly discovered microhabitat for Myxomycetes. Mycologia 94(1): 6-20.
Smith AR and Prado J. 2004. New species in Adiantum and Pteris (Pteridaceae) form the Andes. Brittonia 56(1): 82-88.
Smith BA. 2009. A new species of Croton (Euphorbiaceae) from Ecuador. Novon A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 16: 272-275.
Svenning JC. 2001. Environmental heterogeneity, recruitment limitation and the mesoscale distribution of palms in a tropical montane rain forest (Maquipucuna, Ecuador). Journal of Tropical Ecology 17(1): 97-113.
Webster GL and Rhode R. 2001. Plant Diversity of an Andean Cloud Forest. UC Publications in Botany.
Zahawi RA and Augspurger CK. 1999. Early plant succession in abandoned pastures in Ecuador. Biotropica 31(4): 540-552.

Maquipucuna pioneered ecotourism in the Chocó Andino Biosphere Reserve

Socializing conservation and sustainable development to establish the Chocó Andino Corridor

Guamán-Burneo C. 2009. Caracterización e identificación de aislado de levaduras carotenogénicas de varias zonas naturales del Ecuador. Universitas Scientairum 14(2-3).
Schnittler M and Stephenson SL. 2002. Inflorescences of neotropical herbs as a newly discovered microhabitat for myxomycetes. Mycologia 94(1): 6-20.
Stephenson SL, Schnittler M, and Lado C. 2004. Ecological characterization of a tropical myxomycete assemblage – Maquipucuna Cloud Forest Reserve, Ecuador. Mycologia 96(3): 488-497.
Stephenson SL, Schnittler M, Lado C, Estrada-Torres A. 2004. Studies of neotropical mycetozoans. Systematics and Geography of Plants 74(1): 87-108.
Land and Water
Myster RW. 2004. Post-agricultural invasion, establishment, and growth of neotropical trees. The Botanical Review 70(4): 381-402.
Paul S, Flessa H, Veldkamp E, López-Ulloa M. 2008. Stabilization of recent soil carbon in the humid tropics following land use changers: evidence from aggregate fractionation and stable isotope analyses. Biogeochemistry 87(3): 247-263.
Paul S, Veldkamp E, Flessa H. 2008. Differential response of mineral-associated organic matter in tropical soils formed in volcanic ashes and marine tertiary sediment to treatment with HCl, NAOCl, and Na4P2O7. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40(7): 1846-1855.
Paul S, Martinson GO, Veldkamp E, Flessa H. 2007. Sample pretreatment affects the distribution of organic carbon in aggregates of tropical grassland soils. American Society of Agronomy 72(2): 500-506.
Rhoades CC and Coleman DC. 1999. Nitrogen mineralization and nitrification following land conversion in montane Ecuador. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31(10): 1347-1354.
Rhoades CC, Eckert GE, Coleman DC. 2000. Soil carbon differences among forest, agriculture, and secondary vegetation in lower montane Ecuador. Ecological Applications 10(2): 497-505.
Sarmiento FO. 2002. Anthropogenic change in the landscapes of highland Ecuador. Geographical Review 92(2): 213-234.
Thom TA. 2000. Land use and aquatic ecosystem health in the Andean slopes of Northwestern Ecuador. The University of Georgia.
Tian GL, Justicia R, Coleman DC, Carroll CR. 2007. Assessment of soil and plant carbon levels in two ecosystems (woody bamboo and pasture) in montane Ecuador. Soil Science 172(6): 459-468
Deacon RT and Murphy P. 1997. The structure of an environmental transaction: The debt-for-nature swap. Land Economics 73(1): 1-24.
Eckert GE. 1998. Ecological interactions in forest restoration in lower montane Ecuador. The University of Georgia.
Ertolacci S. 2001. General development trends in Ecuador: Political and economic influences on conservation. Lambda Alpha Journal 31: 52-65.
Hirsch PD. 2003. The importance of place in a mobile world. The University of Georgia.
Justicia R. 1988. Ecuador’s Chocó-Andean Corridor: A landscape approach for conservation and sustainable development. University of Georgia.
Myster RW. 2013. Long-term data from fields recovering after sugarcane, banana, and pasture cultivation in Ecuador. Dataset Papers in Ecology 2013(468973): 1-10.
Myster RW. 2009. Are productivity and richness related consistently after different crops in the neotropics? Botany 87(4): 357-362.
Myster RW. 2004. Regeneration filters in post-agricultural fields of Puerto Rico and Ecuador. Plant Ecology 172(2): 199-209.
Saiia DH. 1999. Strategic philanthropy: Corporate resources for the public good? The University of Georgia.
Sarmiento FO. 1997. Landscape regeneration by seeds and successional pathways to restore fragile Tropandean slopelands. Mountain Research and Development 17(3): 239-252.
Sunder S. 1996. Deforestation and the uses of wood in the Ecuadorian Andes. Mountain Research and Development 16(4): 367-381.